A Start Up That Aims to Reimagine the Insurance Industry
DAIS is reimagining insurance by empowering agencies and carriers with a cutting edge software platform designed to handle the complexity of insurance. We have a strong and vivid vision at DAIS: A day in which agents, carriers, and policyholders are connected in real-time through a cooperatively-owned digital network.
My Role
Lead UX/UI Designer
As the lead UX/UI Designer for Dais Technology, I was solely responsible for user research, wireframes, high-fidelity mock-ups, and rapid prototyping across many industries including insurance, fleet management, and advertising.
Underwriter Collaboration Tool
This is an application intended to be a social media/collaboration app for insurance underwriters. An insurance company may have their underwriters and insurance agents create a profile within this app. Then these users would then be able to manage their upcoming tasks, look into new business opportunities, and converse with other underwrites on their team.
This tool was a digital redesign of a self assessment checklist which was designed to help business owners. It helped to prevent the loss of property and vehicles and assist with reducing liability, workers’ compensation, and theft. The checklist was sent out, and each business owner would fill it out before sending it back to be assessed by an insurance agent. Originally the checklist was presented as a 40 page document. I consolidated it down into one mobile app. I then took it a step further and condensed the inspection topics into fully qualified categories which made it easier for the user to navigate and see the status of their assessment.
The intake interview website was designed for gathering information from users about their business and how much money they had spent to maintain and run their business. This was, at first, targeted towards trucks– specifically fleet management– with the intent of expanding it out to different business types.
This web tool was created to help Insurance Administrators be able to review, manage, and update Insurance Adjusters’ profile information and the claims they are assigned to. The admin could also search for open claims and assign an adjuster to a claim based on their experience, the locations they have jurisdiction in or licenses for, and by the severity type of the claim.