Players can go to the home page of the app and see a list of the characters that they have made or easily create a new one.
When a player selects a character they want to view they will be brought to that character's profile page that is divided by the following:
Where user will see their physical and active characters physical traits.
These are abilities and skills that are unique to that character, depending on upbringing and occupation.
These are items that a character has on their person such as personal items, weapons, or money.
This is where the players are allowed to get a little creative with the character. They can get as descriptive as they want with how their character looks, their background, important people or items that they have, or their encounters with the unknown.
This is where players can upload notes on what happened during their round. This is important to keep track of things that happened during the rounds, what a player's character saw or what other characters might have done through out the round.
A character profile can be shared/exported out as a PDF that will automatically upload to the auto-generate character sheet associated with the Call of Cthulhu game.